The Northumberland Domestic Abuse Service (NDAS) is an independent charity working in Northumberland
to empower and support victims of domestic abuse, and their children to cope and recover from their experiences and to rebuild family life.
NDAS offers a free, confidential service, providing practical and emotional support that is flexible and tailor made to meet the needs of ALL victims of domestic abuse across the county.
It can deliver support face to face, by telephone or using media forms such as WhatsApp, Facetime and Skype.
NDAS delivers prevention work to children and young people in schools and community venues, educating on healthy relationships and friendships providing young people with the information to make good choices in their own relationships and to stop abuse happening in the first place.
NDAS delivers the Freedom, Freedom Forever Programmes and the Recovery Toolkit, to groups of up to 12 participants, promoting peer on peer support within the groups. Training and awareness is delivered to professionals and community groups to raise awareness on abuse, the types, the impact, effect and reality, giving professionals tips on creating resources to use in their working environment and providing community groups the information needed to identify abuse in their own relationships and families, providing the opportunity to break down the barriers to disclosing and accessing support.
Contact information is: tel. 01434 608030 website: