Stocksfield Parish Council is helping to promote the County Council's current Roadside Litter Campaign.

Clearing up litter and rubbish costs the County Council £2.6m each year. The Parish Council also incurs costs in clearing up roadside litter on some roads leading out of Stocksfield - the A695 towards Riding Mill and Lead Road heading out of New Ridley are the two worst examples. The Parish Council is using temporary road signs (see image) which are being moved around the area. The signs ask motorists to take their litter home and also remind them of the potential £100 fine for offenders. If you see litter being thrown from a car (or if you have dashcam footage of the incident), please report it either by telephone to the County Council's contact centre on 0345 600 6400 or by using their online reporting system (click here). Note that the webpage from the link is entitled 'Request litter removal' but it is the correct form to use. Remember though that in order for any enforcement activity to be taken (including making any contact with the owner of the offending vehicle), the County Council's enforcement officers will need to take a witness statement from you.