Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council
held on Monday 1 July 2024
at Stocksfield Community Centre
Present: Professor P Vickers (Chair), Mrs A Dale, Mr T Hills, Mr K Graham, Mr M Parker
Ms L Guthrie (Clerk to the Council).
Apologies: Mr J Harrison, Mr C Liddle
The Chair opened the meeting at 7pm and welcomed those present to the meeting.
24/7/60 Apologies for absence
It was AGREED to authorise the absences of Mr Harrison and Mr Liddle.
24/7/61 Declarations of Interest
Mrs Dale declared an interest in planning matters.
24/7/62 Public Participation
The Clerk noted that a resident had raised concerns about the speed of traffic along New Ridley Road.
24/7/63 County Councillor update
Mrs Dale had provided a written update which had been circulated ahead of the meeting and which briefly covered:
- Complaints from residents about the condition of the snickets (footpaths), with mud and poor ground conditions as a result of the wet weather. These are not the responsibility of the Parish Council but the Clerk will speak with NCC about this. Action: Clerk disch
- Neighbourhood plan – complaints about lack of housing to local MP. Mrs Dale and Mr Parker will set up a meeting to discuss. Action: Mrs Dale and Mr Parker
- Fix My Street – the Parish Council will be notified by NCC if any matters are reported which are the Parish Council’s responsibility
- Signage – temporary horse riding signs were taken down illegally, they have been replaced by NCC
24/7/64 Minutes of the meeting held on 3 June 2024
Mrs Dale noted that at 24/6/47 Public Participation the minutes should refer to “Branch End Play Area” rather than just “Branch End”. The amendment was agreed and the Clerk made a manuscript amendment to the minutes. It was AGREED (proposed Mr Hills, seconded Mr Parker) that the previously circulated minutes of the meeting held on 22 May 2024 were a true and accurate record.
24/7/65 Clerk’s Report
The Clerk had provided a written update which had been circulated ahead of the meeting and which included:
- Removal of tree roots at cricket pitch – works have now finished
- Update on land transfer to the cricket club – the area of land to be dedicated to Fields in Trust remains under negotiation
- New website will be going live shortly
- NE43 News – the Communications Group is discussing possible options for publication
- Community emergency Plan – a draft has been prepared for review by SCA and NCC
- Tree down on footpath Ridley Mill to Painshawfield in May has been dealt with by NCC
- Possible new bin at Bywell side of station – quote is awaited from NCC
- Stocksfield Plants & Gardens Society – PC entry for Blooming Doorsteps competition
24/7/66 Matters Arising
There were none.
24/7/67 Finance
a) Approval of June 2024 payments
It was AGREED (proposed Mr Hills, seconded Mr Graham) to approve the payments for June 2024 as detailed in the previously circulated schedule and the summary of receipts and payments for the month was noted. It was agreed that the Clerk will note in the minutes that £4,000 of receipts were from Cllr Dale’s grant towards the new play equipment at Branch End, and £376.35 was from the habitat survey grant transfer. Action: Clerk disch
b) Budget 2024/25
It was AGREED (proposed Mr Graham, seconded Mrs Dale) to accept the proposed amendments to the budget. Action: Clerk
24/7/68 General Governance Advisory Group (GGAG)
- Notes of the GGAG meeting held on 27/05/2024
Members received the notes of the GGAG.
- Defibrillator grants
No proposal was made to proceed with the recommendation.
- Calvert Trust donation application
Mrs Dale declared an interest. It was AGREED (proposed Professor Vickers, seconded Mr Graham) to make a donation of £250 under Sec 137 Local Government Act 1974. Action:Clerk
- Review of Freedom of Information Procedure
The Clerk confirmed she has reviewed the costs set out within the procedure and they remain reasonable. The Clerk has removed the previous Clerk’s name from the wording. It was AGREED (proposed Professor Vickers, seconded Mr Parker) that the policy does not require any change and should be reviewed again in June 2027. Action: Clerk
- Review of Complaints Procedure
It was AGREED (proposed Professor Vickers, seconded Mr Parker) that the policy does not require any change and should be reviewed again in June 2024. Action: Clerk
- Risk Assessment
There was general discussion regarding the risk assessment. It was AGREED (proposed Professor Vickers, seconded Mr Hills) that the Chair will work with the Clerk to review the risk assessment. Action: Chair and Clerk
- Christmas Tree order
General discussion, the Clerk will report back in September meeting with quotes. Action: Clerk
24/7/69 Planning Advisory Group
Members noted the planning report and noted use of delegated authority as outlined below:
Agenda Item 10 New application(s) for note/endorsement/decision: |
Reference/ Address
Description | Parish Council recommendation – (see Planning Report for details if applicable) |
NCC Decision/Date Copies of the Planning Decisions can be found on NCC website |
24/01893/FUL Brook House Ridley Mill Road |
Demolish existing porch and replace with new porch; demolish conservatory and build a single-storey extension; in filling the north footprint to provide a two-storey extension; add a new water table; adjustment to some materials/openings used on the existing dwelling. |
No comment Note use of delegated powers This is a new application based on a previous application 24/00045/FUL which was refused in March 2024. SPC made no comment on that application |
24/01716/VARYCO Crookhill Farm |
Removal of condition 4 (restriction on use of building as nursery) on approved application 11/01097/COU as objectives of condition have been satisfied which renders it as being redundant and no longer required whilst also potentially jeopardising future operation of Meadows Children's Nursery |
No comment Note use of delegated powers |
Existing planning applications (for information only) |
Reference/ Address
Description | Parish Council recommendation – (see Planning Report for details if applicable) |
NCC Decision/Date Copies of the Planning Decisions can be found on NCC website |
Pending or recently decided application(s) for information: | |||
24/01532/FUL Land West of Dere Street Farm |
Relocation of agricultural field access (retrospective) |
No comment Note use of delegated powers |
24/1490/VARYCO Nene Cottage 13 Meadowfield Road |
Variation of conditions 2 (Approved Plans), 3 (Materials), 7 (Ground Gas) and 17 (Landscape) on approved application 22/03233/FUL for alterations to internal and external layouts including incorporating retaining wall into the external wall of the house; conversion of garage into additional master suite; removal of garage door; alterations to windows; 3no. stone clad columns to support first floor; omission of roof lights above ground floor bathroom and first floor dining room; refurbishment of existing garage; replacement of pitched roof with flat roof; rendering of external walls; and cycle store and EV charging point in existing garage |
No comment Note use of delegated powers |
24/01329/FUL Branch End Service Station
Installation of a modular self-service launderette facility and associated works (retrospective) |
No comment Note use of delegated powers |
24/01276/CLPROP Hindley Farm
Proposed Use for creation of a rear garden lounge and garden gym. | SPC was not consulted as this is a certificate of lawful use application | Granted 29 May 2024 |
24/01298/FUL 139 New Ridley Road
Construction of extension over existing garage. Conversion and enlargement of existing loft space. Re-rendering the first floor external finish. Associated internal and external alterations. |
No comment Note use of delegated powers |
24/01255/FUL 1 Hall Farm Close
Single storey rear infill extension and extension over existing garage. New south facing window to existing front bedroom. |
No comment Note use of delegated powers |
Granted 18 June 2024 |
24/01278/FUL Briony 2 Meadowfield Road
Side and rear extension, replacement detached garage |
No comment Note use of delegated powers |
Granted 5 June 2024 |
24/00960/OUT Land east of Stone House New Ridley
Replace existing garage and outbuildings with single storey self/custom build dwelling |
No comment Note use of delegated powers |
23/01717/FUL Land at Whittonstall
Exagen - proposed Highfield Energy Park Further information has been made available in relation to Environmental Statement which has already been provided for this application |
Objection to extension to the planning lifetime to 10 years | |
23/04582/FUL Land south west of Hill Bank, New Ridley Road
Change of use of part paddock to private garden and associated operational development including decking with glass recreational dome and erection of domestic garage / workshop (not for business use) |
Objection on grounds of inappropriate development in the greenbelt |
Granted 17 May 2024 |
22/03027/FUL Mickley Bank Farm
Retrospective application for the erection of storage sheds – appeal to Secretary of State |
No further comment made. No comment was made for original application which was refused 04/11/2022 |
Refusal is being appealed |
23/03331/FUL Brentcroft 42 Apperley Road |
Proposed single storey rear extension |
No comment Note use of delegated powers
Granted 7 November 2023 |
23/02924/FUL The Ridings Broomley
Proposal to erect a greenhouse on the west facing gable end on top of a dwarf stone wall |
No comment Note use of delegated powers
Granted 1 December 2023 |
23/01717/FUL Land at Whittonstall, Consett |
Construction and operation of a renewable energy scheme comprising ground mounted photovoltaics with associated battery storage and associated infrastructure. | Objection made 21 July 2023 | |
17/01494/FUL and 17/01495/LBC South Cottage, Broomley |
Retrospective application for refurbishment of the west outhouse, external and internal works and amendment of glazed link corridor (together with listed building consent) |
No comment Note use of delegated powers |
20/03997/FUL Broomley House Main Road |
Construction of detached dwelling and garage, retaining wall to southern boundary, new boundary treatments and associated works and landscaping (retrospective) | Objection. See Parish Council minute 21/9/116(a) | |
24/7/70 Parish Council Representatives
No members had attended events to report on.
24/7/71 Replacement Glass at War Memorial Bus Shelter
There was general discussion about the replacement glass and it was noted that the name of the Parish Council can be left off the replacement glass if this creates a material cost saving.
24/7/72 Branch End Play Area Equipment
Members considered the report of the Clerk. It was AGREED (proposed Mr Parker, seconded Mr Graham) that:
1. the grant of £11,811.19 of S106 funding from NCC can be accepted on the terms and conditions set out in the previously circulated letter;
2. the order with Kompan can be placed with a works commencement date starting as soon as possible once the school term has commenced;
3. posters/signage advertising the new equipment can be placed at appropriate sites such as Branch End and Kates Plain playing areas and noticeboards as well as the Council website and Facebook page. Action: Clerk
24/7/73 Citizens Advice donation request
It was AGREED (proposed Mr Hills, seconded Mr Graham) to make a donation of £400 under Sec 137 Local Government Act 1974 and that the Clerk will thank the donee for providing statistics. Action: Clerk
24/7/74 Any other business
There were no items of other business.
24/7/75 Date of next meeting
Monday 2 September 2024
The Chair thanked members for attending and closed the meeting at 8.48pm.