Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 3 June 2024 at Stocksfield Community Centre


Present:         Professor P Vickers (Chair), Mrs A Dale, Mr T Hills, Mr K Graham, Mr M Parker

Ms L Guthrie (Clerk to the Council).


Apologies:     Miss A Brooks, Mr J Harrison, Mr C Liddle

The Chair opened the meeting at 7pm and welcomed those present to the meeting.

24/6/45 Apologies for absence

It was AGREED to authorise the absences of Miss Brooks, Mr Harrison and Mr Liddle.

24/6/46 Declarations of Interest

Mrs Dale declared an interest in planning matters.

24/6/47 Public Participation

Mr Parker noted that the WI has asked for permission to put up posters on Parish Council noticeboards, this was approved.                                            Action: Mr Parker and the Clerk

Professor Vickers noted that resident has raised with him an issue of some trees at Branch End Play Area overhanging a residential property, the Clerk is looking into this.                              Action: Clerk

24/6/48 County Councillor update

Mrs Dale had provided a written update which had been circulated ahead of the meeting and which briefly covered:

  • EV chargers – NCC is considering the installation of EV chargers at the cricket club, as further discussed at agenda item 11.
  • Vehicle Activated Traffic Signs – Mrs Dale is able to cover the cost of one VATS from her Members’ Small Scheme Allowance, should councillors wish to install another or replace one of the existing signs.
  • Funding from Climate Change Group – the monies forwarded to the Council from the Group include grant monies provided by NCC so must be earmarked for this use and will be subject to the relevant grant terms put in place by NCC.
  • Horse signage is now erected on New Ridley Road
  • Highways flooding
  • Traffic speed past Hindley St Margaret’s churchyard – a resident has asked about speed surveys covering this area due to the speed of passing traffic, Mrs Dale has responded as this is a Highways matter.

There was general discussion of the other matters in Mrs Dale’s report.

24/6/49 Minutes of the meeting held on 22 May 2024

It was AGREED (proposed Mrs Dale, seconded Mr Parker) that the previously circulated minutes of the meeting held on 22 May 2024 were a true and accurate record.

24/6/50 Matters Arising

a) Renewal of Swarco Contract

Members discussed the report of the Clerk. It was AGREED (proposed Professor Vickers, seconded Mr Hills) not to renew the contract with Swarco and to deal with any future issues that occur with the existing signs as the need arises, and to ensure that the outstanding repair to the Brumwell Court sign takes place at the cost of Swarco.                                        Action: Clerk

24/6/51 Finance

a) Approval of May 2024 payments

It was AGREED (proposed Mr Hills, seconded Mr Graham) to approve the payments for May 2024 as detailed in the previously circulated schedule and the summary of receipts and payments for the month was noted.

24/6/52 Planning Advisory Group

Members noted the planning report and noted use of delegated authority as outlined below:

Agenda Item 8

New application(s) for note/endorsement/decision:





Description Parish Council recommendation – (see Planning Report for details if applicable)

NCC Decision/Date

Copies of the Planning Decisions can be found on NCC website


Land south west of Hill Bank

New Ridley Road

Retrospective: Change of use of part of paddock to private garden and associated operational development including hardstanding and erection of domestic outbuilding (description amended 27.03.2024). PC was consulted on day that permissions was granted in error; however no comment would have been made in any event Permission granted 17.05.2024

Existing planning applications (for information only)





Description Parish Council recommendation – (see Planning Report for details if applicable)

NCC Decision/Date

Copies of the Planning Decisions can be found on NCC website

Pending or recently decided application(s) for information:


Land West of Dere Street Farm

Relocation of agricultural field access (retrospective)

No comment

Note use of delegated powers



Nene Cottage

13 Meadowfield Road

Variation of conditions 2 (Approved Plans), 3 (Materials), 7 (Ground Gas) and 17 (Landscape) on approved application 22/03233/FUL for alterations to internal and external layouts including incorporating retaining wall into the external wall of the house; conversion of garage into additional master suite; removal of garage door; alterations to windows; 3no. stone clad columns to

support first floor; omission of roof lights above ground floor bathroom and first floor dining room; refurbishment of existing garage; replacement of pitched roof with flat roof; rendering of external walls; and cycle store and EV charging point in existing garage

No comment

Note use of delegated powers



Branch End Service Station


Installation of a modular self-service launderette facility and associated works (retrospective)

No comment

Note use of delegated powers



Hindley Farm


Proposed Use for creation of a rear garden lounge and garden gym. SPC was not consulted as this is a certificate of lawful use application  


139 New Ridley Road


Construction of extension over existing garage. Conversion and enlargement of existing loft space. Re-rendering the first floor external finish. Associated internal and external alterations.

No comment

Note use of delegated powers



1 Hall Farm Close


Single storey rear infill extension and extension over existing garage. New south facing window to existing front bedroom.

No comment

Note use of delegated powers




2 Meadowfield Road


Side and rear extension, replacement detached garage

No comment

Note use of delegated powers



Land east of Stone House

New Ridley


Replace existing garage and outbuildings with single storey self/custom build dwelling

No comment

Note use of delegated powers



Land at Whittonstall


Exagen - proposed Highfield Energy Park

Further information has been made available in relation to Environmental Statement which has already been provided for this application

Objection to extension to the planning lifetime to 10 years  


Land south west of Hill Bank,

New Ridley Road


Change of use of part paddock to private garden and associated operational development including decking with glass recreational dome and erection of domestic garage / workshop (not for business use)

Objection on grounds of inappropriate development in the greenbelt



Mickley Bank Farm


Retrospective application for the erection of storage sheds – appeal to Secretary of State

No further comment made. No comment was made for original application which was refused 04/11/2022




42 Apperley Road

Proposed single storey rear extension

No comment

Note use of delegated powers



The Ridings Broomley


Proposal to erect a greenhouse on the west facing gable end on top of a dwarf stone wall

No comment

Note use of delegated powers



Land at Whittonstall, Consett

Construction and operation of a renewable energy scheme comprising ground mounted photovoltaics with associated battery storage and associated infrastructure. Objection made 21 July 2023  

17/01494/FUL and 17/01495/LBC

South Cottage, Broomley

Retrospective application for refurbishment of the west outhouse, external and internal works and amendment of glazed link corridor (together with listed building consent)

No comment

Note use of delegated powers



Broomley House

Main Road

Construction of detached dwelling and garage, retaining wall to southern boundary, new boundary treatments and associated works and landscaping (retrospective) Objection. See Parish Council minute 21/9/116(a)  
PRE APP      

24/6/53 Parish Council Representatives

No members had attended events to report on.

24/6/54 Lithium battery proposal

Members considered the report of the Clerk and the proposal generally. It was AGREED (proposed Mr Hills, seconded Mr Graham) to support the proposal.             Action: Clerk DISCH           

24/6/55 EV charger at Stocksfield Cricket Club

Members considered the report of the Clerk and there was general discussion regarding the Parish Council’s previous request for an EV charger at the cricket club car park. It was AGREED (proposed Professor Vickers, seconded Mr Parker) to agree to the installation of an EV charger in principle to allow discussions with NCC to progress further.                      Action: Clerk

24/6/56 Defibrillator update

Members received the report of the Clerk and noted the update.                                                                                                                            

24/6/57 Branch End Play Area Equipment

Members considered the report of the Clerk. It was AGREED (proposed Professor Vickers, seconded Mr Graham) that;

  • The award of £4,000 from Cllr Dale’s Members’ Small Scheme Allowance is accepted on the terms and conditions set out in the letter circulated to councillors previously; and
  • If the Parish Council’s application for S106 grant funding of £11,811.19 is awarded, then the Clerk in conjunction with the Chair is authorised to place the order with Kompan for the Cliffrider order at a cost including installation of £18,807.25 plus VAT;
  • If the order is placed with Kompan, then the Parish Council will pay the balance of £2,196.06 +/- £250 to allow for any variances in the amounts set out in (b) above from its reserves or such other account to be agreed.

Action: Clerk

24/6/58 Any other business

There were no items of other business.

24/6/59 Date of next meeting

Monday 1 July 2024

The Chair thanked members for attending and closed the meeting at 8.14pm.