Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council

held on Monday 4 March 2024

at Stocksfield Community Centre


Present:         Mrs A Dale, Mr K Graham, Mr J Harrison, Mr T Hills, Mr M Parker, Professor P Vickers

Ms L Guthrie (Clerk to the Council)


Apologies:     Miss A Brooks, Mr C Liddle, Mrs K Pollock

Professor Vickers opened the meeting at 7pm and welcomed those present to the meeting.


24/03/217 Apologies for absence

It was AGREED to authorise the absences of Miss Brooks, Mr Liddle and Mrs Pollock.


24/03/218 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.


24/03/219 Public Participation

A resident attended the meeting and raised the issue of potholes and blocked gullies, especially in the Branch End area. Repair works are done to a poor standard of workmanship and residents are complaining.

Mrs Dale suggested that if the resident raises the issue directly with her as County Councillor then she can look it.


24/03/220 County Councillor update

Cllr Dale reported on the following matters:

(a) Fullfibre broadband rollout – Cllr Dale had previously circulated a report and noted that Stocksfield is now being connected through the scheme with Factco, the first connection took place on 14 February 2024.

(b) Highways issues - works to highways are based on the National Code of Practice which sets timescales for the repair of potholes on different road classes. A hierarchy is applied to the order of repairs with focus on A roads and other major routes. This winter has been unusually wet which has caused substantial difficulties in carrying out longlasting repairs.

(c) Mount View Terrace potholes – a resident raised a formal complaint and these have now been repaired.

(d) Well Road – an officer visited the site on 14.12.23 and some maintenance work was undertaken, further works are needed.

(e) brief summary of other issues which Cllr Dale is dealing with.


24/03/221 Minutes of the meeting held on 5 February 2024

It was AGREED (proposed Mr Harrison, seconded Mr Hills) that the previously circulated minutes of the meeting held on 5 February 2024 were a true and accurate record. Action: Clerk discharged

It was agreed to bring forward agenda item 11 for discussion.


24/03/222 Potholes and gullies response to Northumberland County Council

Mr Hills raised the ongoing issue of potholes in the village roads and the poor state of the roads generally. General discussion about the issue which has been ongoing for some considerable time and the need for a refocus of revenue/budget priority and staffing from NCC.

It was AGREED (proposed Mr Hills, seconded Mr Parker) that SPC writes to NCC, copying in Guy Opperman MP, to express our disappointment with their efforts so far and to request that the outstanding issues are dealt with as a matter of urgency. It was further agreed that Mr Hills will prepare a draft letter and forward to the Clerk to circulate to all councillors for review and commentary. It was agreed to include specific examples of the issues being raised, eg details of location of potholes.                                                                                                Action: Mr Hills

Mrs Dale proposed we hold an annual meeting and invite Glen Sanderson and the NCC Highways Department to discuss the issues and hear their proposals to deal with them and it was agreed this will be discussed at the April meeting.


24/03/223 Matters Arising

a) Football pitch tree and root removal (previous item 24/02/204(a))

It was AGREED (proposed Mr Harrison, seconded Mr Graham) to delegate authority to the Clerk, in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair, to spend up to £1,000 instructing one of the proposed contractors to carry out the works.             Action: Clerk, Chair and Vice Chair

b) Amendment to Grounds Maintenance Contract for removal of rubbish from recycling areas (previous item (24/02/206(d))

It was AGREED (proposed Mr Hills, seconded Mr Graham) to deal with the accumulation of rubbish on an ad hoc basis, with the Grounds Maintenance Contractor charging a price to be agreed, and charged under the ex contract budget heading.          Action: Clerk discharged

c) Playground equipment grant application (previous item 24/02/211)

The reports of Mrs Dale and Mr Liddle, and the Clerk, had been previously circulated and were noted by members.

d) Footpath/hardstanding to Broomley School at sports fields (previous item 23/9/134(f))

Mrs Dale provided an update. Any beneficial works would necessarily encroach on the cricket pitch and therefore are not practical and the school is in agreement that nothing further should be done at present.


24/03/224 Finance

a) Approval of February 2024 payments

It was AGREED (proposed Mr Harrison, seconded Mr Hills) to approve the payments for February 2024 as detailed in the previously circulated schedule and the summary of receipts and payments for the month was noted.

b) Budget 2023/24

Members received the previously circulated Budget Report from the Clerk.


24/03/225 Planning Advisory Group

Members noted the planning report and noted use of delegated authority as outlined below:

Agenda Item 8

New application(s) for note/endorsement/decision:





Description Parish Council recommendation – (see Planning Report for details if applicable)

NCC Decision/Date

Copies of the Planning Decisions can be found on NCC website


Branch End News

Alexandra House

13 Alexandra Terrace

Advertisement consent for new fascia advertisement signboard

No comment

Note use of delegated powers



Branch End News

Alexandra House

13 Alexandra Terrace

Proposed changes to shop front and new advertisement signboard

No comment

Note use of delegated powers


Existing planning applications (for information only)





Description Parish Council recommendation – (see Planning Report for details if applicable)

NCC Decision/Date

Copies of the Planning Decisions can be found on NCC website

Pending or recently decided application(s) for information:


Apperley Dene,

Lead Road


A new double garage, detached gym, with accompanying outdoor pool and landscaping works

Objection on grounds of inappropriate development in the greenbelt



Brook House, Ridley Mill Road


The relocation and enlarging of the existing porch, demolition of the

south conservatory extension and forming a new single-store extension, infilling the north footprint to provide a two-storey

extension, addition of a new chimney and water table and adjustment to some of the materials used on the existing dwelling.

No comment

Note use of delegated powers



Bywell, New Ridley

Proposal to remove front wall and drop the kerb to allow off street

car parking

No comment

Note use of delegated powers



Land at Whittonstall


Exagen - proposed Highfield Energy Park

Further information has been made available in relation to Environmental Statement which has already been provided for this application

Objection to extension to the planning lifetime to 10 years  


Land south west of Hill Bank,

New Ridley Road


Change of use of part paddock to private garden and associated operational development including decking with glass recreational dome and erection of domestic garage / workshop (not for business use)

Objection on grounds of inappropriate development in the greenbelt



231 New Ridley Road

Construction of single storey rear extension to replace existing conservatory and single storey rear extension

No comment

Note use of delegated powers

Granted 12 February 2024


Mickley Bank Farm


Retrospective application for the erection of storage sheds – appeal to Secretary of State

No further comment made. No comment was made for original application which was refused 04/11/2022




42 Apperley Road

Proposed single storey rear extension

No comment

Note use of delegated powers




The Ridings Broomley


Proposal to erect a greenhouse on the west facing gable end on top of a dwarf stone wall

No comment

Note use of delegated powers




Land at Whittonstall, Consett

Construction and operation of a renewable energy scheme comprising ground mounted photovoltaics with associated battery storage and associated infrastructure. Objection made 21 July 2023  

17/01494/FUL and 17/01495/LBC

South Cottage, Broomley

Retrospective application for refurbishment of the west outhouse, external and internal works and amendment of glazed link corridor (together with listed building consent)

No comment

Note use of delegated powers



Broomley House

Main Road

Construction of detached dwelling and garage, retaining wall to southern boundary, new boundary treatments and associated works and landscaping (retrospective) Objection. See Parish Council minute 21/9/116(a)  
PRE APP      


24/03/226 Parish Council Representatives

No councillors had attended any recent events.


24/03/227 Co-option Policy and Volunteers Policy

It was AGREED (proposed Prof Vickers, seconded Mr Hills) to accept the policies as they stand and for future reviews to be carried out every 2 years.                                           Action: Clerk


24/03/228 Service Level Agreement with Northumberland County Council in respect of payroll services

It was AGREED (proposed Mr Harrison, seconded Mr Hills) to enter into the SLA and for the Chair to sign the document if required).                                                Action: Clerk diacharged


24/03/229 Any other business

Sports Fields User Group and MUGA Advisory Group – Mr Harrison wishes to step down as convener and Mr Liddle is willing to take on the role. To be discussed at the April meeting.

Mrs Dale gave an update on the grant funding for the habitat survey. There is grant funding remaining from a grant from NCC to Stocksfield Climate Change Group. NCC has agreed that this can be transferred to the Parish Council to be ringfenced for spend related to the habitat survey.

24/03/230 Date of next meeting

Monday 8 April 2024


The Chair thanked members for attending and closed the meeting at 8.34 pm.