Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Monday 5 February 2024
at Stocksfield Community Centre
Present: Miss A Brooks, Mrs A Dale, Mr J Harrison, Mr T Hills, Mr C Liddle, Mr M Parker, Professor P Vickers
Ms L Guthrie (Clerk to the Council)
Apologies: Mr K Graham, Mrs K Pollock
Professor Vickers opened the meeting at 7pm and welcomed those present to the meeting.
24/02/199 Apologies for absence
It was AGREED to authorise the absences of Mr Graham and Mrs Pollock.
24/02/200 Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
24/02/201 Public Participation
Mrs Dale noted that a resident has requested a bench be installed on New Ridley Road and she is looking into this.
Mr Liddle noted that a resident has raised an issue about the dumping of garden waste on New Ridley Road.
24/02/202 County Councillor update
It was agreed that, for reasons of time management, this matter would be dealt with later in the agenda after item 15.
24/02/203 Minutes of the meeting held on 8 January 2024
It was AGREED (proposed Mr Hills, seconded Mr Harrison) that the previously circulated minutes of the meeting held on 8 January 2024 were a true and accurate record. Action: Clerk discharged
24/02/204 Matters Arising
a) Football pitch tree removal (previous item 23/11/167(c))
It was AGREED (proposed Mr Hills, seconded Mr Parker) to accept Network Rail’s offer to fell the tree. Action: Clerk
24/02/205 Finance
a) Approval of January 2024 payments
It was AGREED (proposed Mr Harrison, seconded Mr Hills) to approve the payments for January 2024 as detailed in the previously circulated schedule and the summary of receipts and payments for the month was noted.
b) Budget 2023/24
Members received the previously circulated Budget Report from the Clerk.
c) Bank reconciliations to 31/01/2024
Members noted the update.
24/02/206 General Governance Group (GGAG)
- Notes of the GGAG meeting held on 22/01/24
Members received the notes of the meeting.
- Emergency Planning
There was general discussion about the proposed template from NCC and it was AGREED (proposed Mr Harrison, seconded Mr Parker) that the Clerk should liaise with Stocksfield Community Association and NCC to establish how the proposed structure might work given that the Council does not own the Community Centre. Action: Clerk
- Electric vehicle charging points
Members noted that the proposed locations are sometimes used as parking areas by residents and users of the tennis club. As the Clerk has already sought further information from NCC regarding the proposed locations, it was AGREED (proposed Mr Hills, seconded Mr Parker) to await the response of NCC to these queries before reconsidering the issue.
- Recycling bins (glass and clothing) at the cricket club
There was discussion around the use of the recycling facilities and issues with waste items being left outside the bottle banks and clothes bank. It was AGREED (proposed Mr Liddle, seconded Mr Hills) that the Clerk will ask the grounds maintenance contractor if removal of waste items could be added to the contract and, if so, the cost of this service, and will also ask NCC if they have any suggestions as to possible solutions. It was further agreed that the Clerk will include an article in the next edition of NE43 News to highlight the recycling facilities available in the village and locally and any restrictions on use etc. Action: Clerk
24/02/207 Rights of Way and Environmental Group (RoWEG)
- Notes of the RoWEG meeting held on 16/01/24
Members received the notes of the meeting.
- Hosting of habitat survey on website
It was AGREED (proposed Mrs Dale, seconded Mr Parker) that the completed form of the habitat survey can be published on the Parish Council website once ready for publication. Action: Mr Liddle and Clerk
- Provision of funding of maximum of 10 copies of the survey to be printed and located around Stocksfield for reference
It was agreed that this item does not require a decision at this time and there will be further consideration of whether there are monies remaining from the habitat survey grant that was previously awarded.
- Promotion of survey across social media and NE43 News
It was AGREED (proposed Mr Liddle, seconded Mrs Dale) to publicise the habitat survey, once ready for publication, on social media, NE43 News and noticeboards. Action: Mr Liddle and Clerk
- Support in setting up an event to promote the results of the survey in late June 20024
It was AGREED (proposed Mr Liddle, seconded Mrs Dale) to support the event. Any specific financial commitment required will be discussed at a future meeting. Mrs Dale declared an interest as she had been involved in obtaining landowner consent for the habitat survey to be carried out.
- Broomley School Orchard grass cutting
It was AGREED (proposed Mr Parker, seconded Mr Harrison) to request a quote from the cricket club for grass cutting of this area, as an additional service to their existing grass cutting contract. Action: Clerk discharged
Councillors also noted their thanks to the station volunteers who continue to maintain the train station gardens in beautiful condition.
24/02/208 Planning Advisory Group
Members noted the planning report and noted use of delegated authority as outlined below:
Agenda Item 10 New application(s) for note/endorsement/decision: |
Reference/ Address
Description | Parish Council recommendation – (see Planning Report for details if applicable) |
NCC Decision/Date Copies of the Planning Decisions can be found on NCC website |
24/00116/FUL Apperley Dene, Lead Road
A new double garage, detached gym, with accompanying outdoor pool and landscaping works | For discussion by full council | |
24/00045/FUL Brook House, Ridley Mill Road
The relocation and enlarging of the existing porch, demolition of the south conservatory extension and forming a new single-store extension, infilling the north footprint to provide a two-storey extension, addition of a new chimney and water table and adjustment to some of the materials used on the existing dwelling. |
No comment Note use of delegated powers |
23/04445/FUL Bywell, New Ridley |
Proposal to remove front wall and drop the kerb to allow off street car parking |
No comment Note use of delegated powers |
Existing planning applications (for information only) |
Reference/ Address
Description | Parish Council recommendation – (see Planning Report for details if applicable) |
NCC Decision/Date Copies of the Planning Decisions can be found on NCC website |
Pending or recently decided application(s) for information: | |||
23/01717/FUL Land at Whittonstall
Exagen - proposed Highfield Energy Park Further information has been made available in relation to Environmental Statement which has already been provided for this application |
Objection to extension to the planning lifetime to 10 years | |
23/04582/FUL Land south west of Hill Bank, New Ridley Road
Change of use of part paddock to private garden and associated operational development including decking with glass recreational dome and erection of domestic garage / workshop (not for business use) |
Objection on grounds of inappropriate development in the greenbelt |
23/04650/FUL 231 New Ridley Road |
Construction of single storey rear extension to replace existing conservatory and single storey rear extension |
No comment Note use of delegated powers |
23/04391/FUL Greystones 24 Painshawfield Road
The creation of a new studio and office space and replacement of the greenhouse |
No comment Note use of delegated powers |
Granted permission 30 January 2024 |
22/03027/FUL Mickley Bank Farm
Retrospective application for the erection of storage sheds – appeal to Secretary of State |
No further comment made. No comment was made for original application which was refused 04/11/2022 |
23/03890/FUL Dale Head 24 Cade Hill Road
Proposed rear and side extension, replacement of conservatory with a single storey Orangery with roof lantern, replacement of porch with a single storey canopy and replacement of PVC window to timber frame windows. Proposed single storey extension to existing garage and associated external works including electric entrance gates. |
No comment Note use of delegated powers
Granted permission 30 January 2024 |
23/03331/FUL Brentcroft 42 Apperley Road |
Proposed single storey rear extension |
No comment Note use of delegated powers
23/02924/FUL The Ridings Broomley
Proposal to erect a greenhouse on the west facing gable end on top of a dwarf stone wall |
No comment Note use of delegated powers
23/01717/FUL Land at Whittonstall, Consett |
Construction and operation of a renewable energy scheme comprising ground mounted photovoltaics with associated battery storage and associated infrastructure. | Objection made 21 July 2023 | |
17/01494/FUL and 17/01495/LBC South Cottage, Broomley |
Retrospective application for refurbishment of the west outhouse, external and internal works and amendment of glazed link corridor (together with listed building consent) |
No comment Note use of delegated powers |
20/03997/FUL Broomley House Main Road |
Construction of detached dwelling and garage, retaining wall to southern boundary, new boundary treatments and associated works and landscaping (retrospective) | Objection. See Parish Council minute 21/9/116(a) | |
- Planning application 24/00116/FUL Apperley Dene, Lead Road
Mrs Dale declared an interest as she has a personal connection with the property. There was general discussion about the application. It was AGREED (proposed Mr Parker, seconded Mr Harrison) to object on grounds of inappropriate development in the green belt. Action: Clerk discharged
2. Installation of washing machine facility at Spar garage, A695
There was general discussion relating to the facility.
24/02/209 Parish Council Representatives
No councillors had attended any recent events.
24/02/210 Repairs to Kates Plain play equipment
Members AGREED (proposed Mr Harrison, seconded Mr Liddle) to undertake the repairs proposed in the report of the Clerk. Action: Clerk
24/02/211 Housing Developer Fund for play areas
There was general discussion about the fund and members agreed that the Clerk should look into the possibility of applying for funding for a new piece of play equipment at Branch End Play Area, and further that the Clerk should clarify which age ranges the current play equipment at Branch End is intended for, to establish whether there are any age groups which are not served by the current equipment. Action: Clerk
24/02/212 Grant application
It was AGREED (proposed Mr Hills, seconded Mr Liddle) to make a grant of £500 to Friends of Stocksfield Community Woodland. Action: Clerk discharged
24/02/213 Dog fouling at train station
Members received the report of the Clerk and it was AGREED (proposed Mr Hills, seconded Mr Liddle) to ask NCC whether they would be willing to install a bin in the area. Action: Clerk
24/02/214 County Councillor update
Mrs Dale had provided a written update which had been previously circulated to members. Mrs Dale reported that the road safety measurements for the east end of the village on the A695 have been included in the LTP 2024/25. Members noted the update.
24/02/215 Any other business
24/02/216 Date of next meeting
Monday 4 March 2024
The Chair thanked members for attending and closed the meeting at 9.02 pm.