Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 4 September 2023
at Stocksfield Community Centre
Present: Mr J Harrison (Chair), Mr T Hills, Mr C Liddle, Mr M Parker, Mrs A Dale, Professor P Vickers
Ms L Guthrie (Clerk to the Council).
Apologies: Miss A Brooks, Mrs K Pollock
Mr Harrison opened the meeting at 7.03 pm and welcomed those present to the meeting.
23/9/127 Apologies for absence
It was AGREED to authorise the absence of Miss Brooks and Mrs Pollock.
23/9/128 Declarations of Interest
Mr Liddle noted that his children attend Broomley First School.
23/9/129 Public Participation
The Chair noted that Mr Kevin Graham was attending and welcomed him to the meeting.
Footpath at New Ridley Road
The Chair noted that the footpath next to 177 New Ridley Road is badly overgrown further up, beyond the property. Mrs Dale will report this to NCC. Action: Mrs Dale
Missing Bin Ridley Mill Road
Mr Hills reported that a bin is missing from the junction of Ridley Mill Road and Batt House Road which needs to be replaced. Action: Clerk
23/9/130 County Councillor update
Mrs Dale provided her report. There was nothing that required particular mention save that she continues to deal with planning matters at Burnside. Members noted the report.
23/9/131 Minutes of the meetings held on 3 July and 17 July 2023
It was AGREED (proposed Mrs Dale, seconded Mr Liddle) that the previously circulated minutes of the meetings held on 3 July and 17 July 2023 were a true and accurate record.
23/9/132 Matters Arising
a) Bus Shelter Fire
The Clerk provided an update on the potential fire at the bus shelter by the train station which was reported to the police and fire service.
b) Sale of land to Stocksfield Cricket Club
Members discussed the transfer of land to Stocksfield Cricket Club and it was AGREED (proposed Mrs Dale, seconded Mr Liddle) that the Clerk be authorised to:
(i) instruct solicitors on the sale of the land for a nominal sum
(ii) instruct solicitors to seek a costs undertaking from the solicitors acting for the cricket club; and
(iii) request consent from Fields in Trust to the sale (if required)
Mr Harrison, Mr Liddle, Mr Parker and Mrs Dale voted in favour of the proposals and Mr Hills and Prof Vickers voted against. Mr Hills asked that the votes be recorded in the minutes. Action: Clerk
c) Stocksfield Climate Change Group Habitat Survey grant
Members noted the update as to how the grant funding has been spent.
23/9/133 Finance
a) Approval of July and August 2023 payments
It was AGREED (proposed Professor Vickers, seconded Mr Parker) to approve the payments for July and August 2023 as detailed in the previously circulated schedule and the summary of receipts and payments for the months was noted.
b) Budget 2023/24
Members received the previously circulated Budget Report from the Clerk.
c) Bank reconciliations
Members noted the update.
23/9/134 General Governance Advisory Group (GGAG)
a) Notes of the meeting held on 21/08/2023
Members received the notes of the meeting.
b) Annual Inspection of the Play Areas by RoSPA
Members received the report of the Clerk and the recommendations of GGAG. Action: Clerk
c) Sports Fields playing surface arborist report
Members discussed the report and AGREED that the Clerk will instruct the arborist to grind out the tree roots now and seek a second quote as to the costs of removal of the tree, and will speak with the Football Club to receive their input as to how best to remove the tree shoots from the pitch with minimal impact on the club’s activities.
Action: Clerk
d) Local Transport Plan 2024/25
Members AGREED (proposed Professor Vickers, seconded Mr Parker) to put forward the following 3 proposals to the Local Transport Plan:
i) Works to the eastern entrance of Stocksfield village
ii) Resurfacing of Well Road
iii) Resurfacing of the New Ridley footpath
Action: Clerk discharged
e) Grant/donation requests:
i) Broomley First School PTA cycle/scooter shelter – Members AGREED (proposed Mrs Dale, seconded Mr Liddle) to make a grant of £1,000 to the PTA
ii) Sport Tynedale – Members AGREED (proposed Mr Liddle, seconded Mr Parker) to make a donation of £150 under Sec 137 Local Government Act 1974 Action: Clerk discharged
f) Broomley First School request for hardstanding – Members received an update from the Clerk and Mrs Dale and agreed to bring forward to a future meeting
Action Clerk: Bring Forward
g) Phone/broadband contract for PC office
Members noted the report of the Clerk.
h) Risk Assessment
Members discussed the current form of risk assessment and AGREED that the Chair will add an additional entry into the document relating to the risk associated with the cricket club car park, and on that basis the amended form of risk assessment is approved (proposed Mr Parker, seconded Professor Vickers). Members further AGREED that the current team of reviewers will finalise the review of the risk assessment within the next few months. Action: Chair
23/9/135 Rights of Way and Environmental Advisory Group (RoWEAG)
Mr Liddle gave an update on the meeting held on 19/07/2023. He noted that a working party is being organised to clear the Redshaw Footpath for which helpers will be needed, and that Himalayan Balsam requires removal from various areas alongside watercourses. He further noted that SCATA wishes to carry out a survey relating to climate change, the Clerk has asked that SCATA submits a written report and this will be presented to members at a future meeting. Tim Grinstead has joined the group and Steve Braysher has been invited, the group will now meet 3 times per year.
23/9/136 Sports Fields User Group and Multi Use Games Area (MUGA Committee)
The Chair gave his report on the meeting held on 18/07/2023 which had led to a review of the constitution and terms of reference of the groups. It has been agreed that the group will meet twice a year and will put together a 3-5 year plan for maintenance and upkeep of the pitches. Mrs Dale noted we need a plan so that future costs can be included in the precept and that this requirement should be noted in the constitution.
23/9/137 Planning Advisory Group
Members noted the planning report and noted use of delegated authority as outlined below:
Agenda Item 11 New application(s) for note/endorsement/decision: |
Reference/ Address
Description | Parish Council recommendation – (see Planning Report for details if applicable) |
NCC Decision/Date Copies of the Planning Decisions can be found on NCC website |
23/03111/VARYCO 1 The Oaks, Main Road |
Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) to amend the proposed layout of and removal of condition 4 (trees) following revocation of TPO pursuant to planning approval 20/03977/FUL |
No comment Note use of delegated powers
23/02924/FUL The Ridings Broomley
Proposal to erect a greenhouse on the west facing gable end on top of a dwarf stone wall |
No comment Note use of delegated powers
23/026/23 FUL Fairfield, 38 Apperley Road |
Conservatory to rear elevation |
No comment Note use of delegated powers |
23/02173/FUL 33 Baliol Road |
Proposed rear extension, roof alterations, front porch, drive alterations |
No comment Note use of delegated powers |
23/02339/FUL 15 Birches Nook Road |
Proposal for a two storey rear and first floor extension above existing kitchen/utility offshoot. |
No comment Note use of delegated powers |
22/03680/FUL Land to West of 3 Apperley Road
Erection of a residential dwelling, with associated landscaping and infrastructure |
No comment Note use of delegated powers |
Granted 6 July 2023 |
23/01717/FUL Land at Whittonstall, Consett |
Construction and operation of a renewable energy scheme comprising ground mounted photovoltaics with associated battery storage and associated infrastructure. | Objection made 21 July 2023 |
23/9/138 Parish Council Representatives
The Chair attended the East Tynedale Forum in July which included discussion around the proposed Highfield Energy Park.
23/9/139 Stocksfield Remembrance Service
There was general discussion as to how the sound system would be provided, should Mr Hills not be available to assist on the day due to other commitments, and how an electrical sound system could be safely operated in inclement weather. It was AGREED that the Clerk will look into the possibility of booking a company to provide the sound system under delegated authority. Mr Liddle suggested any van etc could be parked near the house to the rear of the memorial which is the school caretakers house. Action: Clerk
23/9/140 Skateboard Development Northumberland
Members AGREED (proposed Mr Liddle, seconded Mr Harrison) to express interest in this and that Mrs Dale will attend. Action: Mrs Dale
23/9/141 Christmas Trees
Members AGREED (proposed Professor Vickers, seconded Mr Parker) to order 3 trees to be sited at Broomley School, Branch End Spar and Dr Syntax. Action: Clerk discharged
23/9/142 Any other business
Professor Vickers will be attending the Army Engagement Event in Hexham on 14 September.
23/9/143 Date of next meeting
Monday 2 October 2023
The Chair thanked members for attending and closed the meeting at 8.44 pm.