Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 17 July 2023
at Stocksfield Community Centre
Present: Mr J Harrison (Chair), Mr T Hills, Miss A Brooks, Mrs A Dale, Mr M Parker, Mrs K Pollock
Ms L Guthrie (Clerk to the Council).
Apologies: Professor P Vickers, Mr C Liddle
Mr Harrison opened the meeting at 7.00 pm and welcomed those present to the meeting.
23/7/121 Apologies for absence
It was AGREED to authorise the absence of Professor Vickers and Mr Liddle.
23/7/121 Declarations of Interest
Mrs Dale declared a non pecuniary interest in the Highfield Energy Park matter at item 23/7/122 below as she had made a pre-determined decision that she was against the proposed solar park and would therefore not take part in the vote, although she would be permitted to speak on the matter.
23/7/122 Public Participation
Highfield Energy Park
The meeting was attended by Ana Nicholson and Val Argent, residents of Stocksfield. The Planning Committee had met previously to discuss the application and recommended to Members that they:
- OBJECT to the application for the proposed development on the grounds of inappropriate development in the green belt
- request appropriate conditions be attached to any planning consent which might be granted for the development, for the benefit of residents of Stocksfield; and
- reserve the right to comment further on relevant aspects of the application should additional information be provided by the applicant in response to a request by planners or other consultees.
Members discussed at length objections submitted by other consultees and possible conditions which might be requested so as to mitigate any planning consent which might be granted for the development. Following discussions, the Chair proposed the following which was put to a vote:
- That Members adopt the recommendations of the Planning Committee and OBJECT to the application
- That Members note in the objection that the proposed development constitutes inappropriate development in the green belt, and that the applicant has failed to demonstrate very special circumstances to justify such development, and further that the industrial appearance of the development will create a substantial visual impact and loss of amenity in the local area
- That Members further note in the objection that the existing network of woodland is likely to be susceptible to damage from high winds and any loss of this screening woodland could give rise to an increased visual impact
- That Members reserve the right to comment further on the following risks presented by the proposed development:
- fire safety, following the provision by the applicant of the further information requested by Mr Atkinson, Fire Safety Technical Officer at Northumberland Fire and Rescue
- boundary treatments, following the provision, if any, by the applicant of amended proposals in line with the comments of Northumbria Police as consultee
- flooding and drainage, following the provision, if any, by the applicant of the further information requested by the Lead Local Flood Authority
- ecological damage caused by the laying of underground services, following the provision by the applicant of the further information requested by the County Ecologist.
- That Members request that there is attached to any planning consent which might be granted for the development a condition that the applicant shall submit a Construction Traffic Management Plan containing provision that:
- no construction traffic for the solar farm will pass along any part of New Ridley Road and/or along the B6309 through Broomley village
- no construction traffic for the battery storage site will pass along that part of New Ridley Road running north towards Stocksfield from the battery storage site
All Members voted in favour of the proposal, with the exception of Mrs Dale who abstained from the vote, and it was AGREED that the Clerk will draft a suitable letter of objection to be approved by Members ahead of submission to the planning officer.
Action: Clerk
23/7/123 Northern Gas Networks Welfare Unit
It was AGREED (Chair proposing, Mr Parker seconding) to allow Northern Gas Networks to site a welfare unit on the lower level of the Cricket Club car park for the 6 week proposed duration of the works, with NGN agreeing to reinstate the car park if any damage is caused. Action: Clerk
23/7/124 Proposed closure of Hexham Railway Station ticket office
It was AGREED (Chair proposing, Mr Parker seconding) that the Clerk should submit an online response to the consultation noting the potentially detrimental effect on residents of Stocksfield, in particular those who are without internet, elderly, chronically ill, visually impaired or disabled. Action: Clerk
23/7/125 Any other business
Attempted arson in bus shelter
Mr Hills noted that he had observed what appeared to be an attempt to set a fire in the bus shelter opposite the train station, with some partially burnt wood/logs and paper in the shelter. It was AGREED after discussion that the Clerk will notify the police and fire service and seek their advice on how to prevent/manage any future incidents that may arise. Mrs Dale agreed to send the appropriate contact details for both organisations to the Clerk. Action: Mrs Dale/ Clerk
23/7/126 Date of next meeting
Monday 4 September 2023.
The Chair thanked members for attending and closed the meeting at 8.00 pm.