Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 3 July 2023 at Stocksfield Community Centre


Present:         Mr J Harrison (Chair), Mr T Hills, Mr C Liddle, Miss A Brooks, Mrs A Dale, Professor P Vickers

Ms L Guthrie (Clerk to the Council).

Apologies:     Mr M Parker, Mrs K Pollock


Mr Harrison opened the meeting at 7.10 pm and welcomed those present to the meeting.


23/7/102 Apologies for absence

It was AGREED to authorise the absence of Mr Parker and Mrs Pollock.

23/7/103 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

23/7/104 Public Participation

Highfield Energy Park

Three residents of Stocksfield attended the meeting, being Mrs Nicholson, Mrs Argent and Mr Whiteley, all of whom had attended the meeting on 6 December 2012 when the proposal to build a solar energy park near Whittonstall, with an associated battery storage facility and connection to the national grid near Apperley Dene in Stocksfield, was first discussed by members. The residents gave an informative presentation on their material concerns relating to the proposal including environmental impact, flooding issues, fire safety concerns, road safety concerns, damage to ancient woodland, loss of agricultural land, loss of amenity, proposals to direct runoff water onto land which drains into the Lyn Burn, and proposed screening being located on third party land outside the applicant’s control. After discussion the Chair thanked the group of residents for their presentation and for highlighting issues of potential concern. He said that the Council will need to consider the application further given the complex issues involved and proposed an extraordinary meeting on Monday 17 July at 7pm which was AGREED by Members.

23/7/105 County Councillor update

Mrs Dale provided her report and gave an update on the Factco broadband rollout and graffiti at the train station. There was general discussion about the issues of traffic speeding on New Ridley road on entry into the village and of the need for drains to be cleaned by the County Council. Mr Hills noted that he had use the Fix My Street facility provided by Northumberland County Council to report various local issues, but these remain unresolved. Members noted the report.                                                                                   

23/7/106 Minutes of the meeting held on 5 June 2023

It was AGREED (proposed Mr Hills, seconded Miss Brooks) that the previously circulated minutes of the meeting held on 5 June 2023 were a true and accurate record.

23/7/107 Matters Arising

Station Car Park

Mrs Dale provided an update on the graffiti and antisocial behaviour at the train station.

Branch End Play area

The Clerk provided an update on the repairs to the Galaxy Climber.

23/7/108 Finance

a) Approval of June 2023 payments

It was AGREED (proposed Mr Hills, seconded Miss Brooks) to approve the payments for June 2023 as detailed in the previously circulated schedule and the summary of receipts and payments for the month was noted.

b) Budget 2023/24

Members received the report of the Clerk relating to employment expenses. Members AGREED (proposed Mr Hills, seconded Miss Brooks) to the virement of £250 from Contingency to Employment within the budget.

c) External audit

The Clerk provided an update on the external audit which Members noted.

23/7/109 Planning Advisory Group

Members noted the planning report and noted use of delegated authority as outlined below:

Agenda Item 8

New application(s) for note/endorsement/decision:





Description Parish Council recommendation – (see Planning Report for details if applicable)

NCC Decision/Date

Copies of the Planning Decisions can be found on NCC website


The Limes, 9 Cade Hill Road



Converting and extending attached outbuildings into a downstairs bedroom, shower and toilet room and utility room, and redesigning the inside of the kitchen and taking out one internal wall.

No comment

Note use of delegated powers



35 Birkdene

TPO relating to overhanging branch of T7 Hazel tree and reduction of crown of oak trees T4, T5 and T6. Amendment to previous application with T7 now correctly identified.

No comment

Note use of delegated powers



The Whinns, 3 Apperley Road

Demolition of existing dwelling and replacement with a 2-storey 5 bedroom home with associated landscaping and infrastructure.

No comment

Note use of delegated powers


23/7/110 Parish Council Representatives

The Chair confirmed that the next meeting will be in the week commencing 10 July 2023.

23/7/111 Stocksfield Beer Festival

The Chair referred to additional information that had been provided by the event organisers. It was AGREED that

  • the Council’s conditions had been satisfied,
  • the Council had no comment to make in relation to the documents submitted, and
  • the Clerk should write to the organisers in the terms outlined within the papers.

Action: Clerk

23/7/112 Stocksfield Festival

The Chair referred to additional information that had been provided by the event organisers. It was AGREED that

  • the Council’s conditions had been satisfied,
  • the Council had no comment to make in relation to the documents submitted, and
  • the Clerk should write to the organisers in the terms outlined within the papers.

Action: Clerk

23/7/113 Website Management

The Chair referred to a previously circulated report of the Clerk and it was AGREED that Mr Gibbon will provide training to the Clerk in website management.                                    Action: Clerk

23/7/114 Defibrillators

The Members received the report of the Clerk. There was general discussion around including an article in the next NE43 News on how to use a defibrillator, to help residents to feel comfortable using one in a medical emergency.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Action: Clerk

23/7/115 Request for Donation

Members AGREED (proposed Mr Hills, seconded Mr Liddle) to donate the sum of £300 to Northumberland Citizens Advice service for the year 2023/24.                                            Action: Clerk

23/7/116 ROSPA Inspections of Play Areas

The Clerk provided an update on the ROSPA inspections which took place in June which Members duly noted.                                                                                                             Action: Clerk

23/7/117 Electric Vehicle Charging Points

The Clerk provided an update to Members which they duly noted.                                                                                                                                                             Action: Clerk bring forward

23/7/118 Rights of Way and Environment Group

Mr Liddle provided an update which was noted by Members.                                                                                                                                                                                      Action: Mr Liddle

23/7/119 Any other business

Broomley School Grant Application

The Clerk noted that Broomley School had submitted an application for a grant for funding to purchase and install a new cycle and scooter shelter. This was received after the agenda for this meeting was published and so will be considered at the September meeting.                                                                                                                                                                                  Action: Clerk

23/7/120 Date of next meeting

The Chair proposed and Members AGREED to call an extraordinary meeting on Monday 17 July 2023 to discuss Highfield Energy Park further.                                                            Action: Clerk


The Chair thanked members for attending and closed the meeting at 8.50 pm.