Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 19 May 2021 at Stocksfield Community Centre


Present:         Ms M Hunt (Chair), Mrs A Dale, Mr T Hills, Mrs L Joy, Mr C Liddle, Mrs K Pollock, Dr P Vickers.

Mr N Spencer (Clerk to the Council).


Apologies:     Mr C Chance, Mr M Parker.

Also present: Mr N Hooks, Mr D Williams (residents)

The Chair opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed councillors to the annual meeting of the Council which was also the first meeting of the new Council as well as the first physical meeting since March 2020.


21/5/79 Election of Chair of the Parish Council

Ms Hunt was elected as Chair of the Parish Council (proposed Dr Vickers, seconded Mrs Pollock) and it was AGREED to suspend paragraph 3.3 of Standing Orders relating to the term of office of the Chair. The acceptance of office was made.


21/5/80 Election of Vice Chair of the Parish Council

Dr Vickers was elected as Vice Chair of the Parish Council (proposed Chair, seconded Mrs Pollock) and it was AGREED to suspend paragraph 3.4 of Standing Orders relating to the term of office of the Vice Chair.


21/5/81 Apologies for absence

Apologies had been received from the above named members and it was AGREED (proposed Chair, seconded Dr Vickers) to permit both to make and deliver their acceptance of office forms at a later date and before the next meeting of the Council.                                                                                                Action: Mr Chance, Mr Parker, Clerk


21/5/82 Declarations of Interest

Mrs Dale declared an interest in all planning applications.


21/5/83 Physical meetings: Covid-19 risk assessment

Members considered the risk assessment which will be reviewed by the Clerk prior to every physical meeting and it was AGREED (proposed Mrs Pollock, seconded Mrs Joy) to approve the risk assessment.                                                                                              Action: Clerk


21/5/84 Minutes of the Meeting held on 4 May 2021

It was AGREED (proposed Dr Vickers, seconded Mr Liddle) that the previously circulated minutes of the meeting held on 4 May 2021 were a true and accurate record.


21/5/85 Advisory and other representative groups

The Chair reminded members that the terms of reference of groups had been agreed at the last meeting of the Council and it was AGREED to appoint members to groups as follows:

a) General Governance Advisory Group (GGAG) – Chair (convenor), Mr Hills and Mrs Pollock.

b) Planning Advisory Group – Mr Parker (convenor) and Dr Vickers.

c) Rights of Way and Environment Advisory Group – Dr Vickers (convenor) and Mr Liddle (Mrs Dale attends as county councillor).

d) Communications Advisory Group – Clerk, Mr Hills, Mrs Joy, Mr Liddle.

e) Sports Fields User Group – Chair and Mrs Dale

It was further AGREED that the Council would be represented as follows:

f) Essity Community Forum – Mrs Joy

g) East Tynedale Town and Parish Councils’ Forum – Chair

The Chair said that the report from Mr Chance in respect of Climate Change will be considered at the next meeting of the GGAG and subsequently by the Parish Council. There will be an opportunity to review the advisory groups further in due course.


21/5/86 Play area risk assessments

The Chair referred to the previously circulated risk assessment regarding the use of the play areas and the risks as a result of Covid-19. She said that the risk assessment was compliant with updated government guidance from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, received today in response to the changes to restrictions on 17 May 2021. It was AGREED (proposed Dr Vickers, seconded Mrs Pollock) to approve the risk assessment. The complete removal of restrictions was discussed and members AGREED to delegate authority to the Clerk, in consultation with the Chair, to undertake a further risk assessment so that the equipment can be reinstalled at the earliest opportunity and to provide new signage as appropriate.                                      Action: Clerk


21/5/87 Date of next meeting

The Chair said that the current arrangements for Covid-secure meetings, particularly with the attendance of further members, clearly posed logistical problems. It was AGREED to hold the next physical meeting at a date to be set by the Clerk, in liaison with all members, in late June or early July 2021.

The Chair reminded members of key Council policies and other documents that are available on the Council’s website, in particular the Members’ Code of Conduct, Email and Internet Policy and Standing Orders, and the impact they have on the roles of members. The Chair thanked councillors for their attendance and closed the meeting at 8.11pm.