Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council

held remotely on Monday 1 June 2020


Present:         Ms M Hunt (Chair), Mrs J Furniss, Mr C Liddle, Mr M Parker, Dr P Vickers.

Mr N Spencer (Clerk to the Council).


Apologies:     Mr D Parke, Mrs H Rae, Mrs J Robson, Professor R Thompson.

The Chair opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed councillors to the Council’s first remote meeting which was being ‘live-streamed’ on the Council’s Facebook page.


20/6/49 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

20/6/50 Public Participation

Speed limit on A695 and New Ridley Road

The Chair referred to an email from a resident which highlighted the problems faced by pedestrians trying to socially distance when faced with passing traffic and requested consideration of 20mph limits on the above roads. The Clerk had replied that responsibility for speed limits rests with Northumberland County Council (NCC) and that schemes were in progress for a 20mph advisory limit on parts of the A695 and a mandatory 20mph limit in Painshawfield Estate. Members AGREED that the Clerk’s response provided sufficient clarity and no further comment was necessary.                                   Action: Clerk


20/6/51 County Councillor update

Mrs Dale had provided a written update which covered the Community’s response to Covid-19, highways, rights of way and BT/Open Reach. Members noted the update.


20/6/52 Standing Orders

The Chair referred to a previously circulated draft addition to Standing Orders that provided for the regulation of remote meetings. After discussion it was AGREED (proposed Dr Vickers, seconded Mr Parker) to insert the previously circulated section 18 in Standing Orders.

Action: Clerk


20/6/53 Minutes of the Meeting held on 2 March 2020

It was AGREED (proposed Mrs Furniss, seconded Dr Vickers) that the previously circulated minutes of the meeting held on 2 March 2020 were a true and accurate record.

20/6/54 Matters Arising

The Chair

The Chair reminded members that she had previously intended to stand down as Chair at the annual meeting of the Council in May. In view of the uncertain circumstances surrounding Covid-19 and the cancellation of the annual meeting she had decided to remain in post for the time-being, at least until the next physical meeting of the Council, notwithstanding the ability of the Council to hold a remote annual meeting and elect a new Chair. Members AGREED with this course of action.

Seat at New Ridley

The Chair referred to a previously circulated response from County Councillor Glen Sanderson. In view of NCC’s obvious priority to deal with Covid-19 issues, it was AGREED to note the reply and to consider it further at a later date.                          Action: Clerk


20/6/55 Finance

a) Approval of March, April and May payments

It was AGREED (proposed Mr Liddle, seconded Dr Vickers) that the payments for March, April and May be approved as detailed in the previously circulated schedule and the summary of receipts and payments for the month was noted.

b) Report of the internal auditor 2019/20

Members considered the letter and report of the internal auditor and AGREED to receive and note its content and that no further action was necessary. The audit was the final report of Mr Peter Basnett, who has audited the Council’s records since 2005, and it was AGREED to write to him to express the Council’s appreciation for his work and guidance over the years.

                                                                                                Action: Clerk

c) Statement of receipts and payments 2019/20

It was AGREED (proposed Dr Vickers, seconded Mr Parker) to approve the statement of receipts and payments for 2019/20.

d) Approval of annual governance statement 2019/20

It was AGREED (proposed Dr Vickers, seconded Mr Parker) to approve the annual governance statement for 2019/20.

e) Approval of annual accounting statements 2019/20

It was AGREED (proposed Mrs Furniss, seconded Mr Parker) to approve the annual accounting statement for 2019/20.

f) Explanation of significant variances 2019/20

It was AGREED to approve the explanation of significant variances for 2019/20.

g) Schedule of recurring payments 2020/21

It was AGREED to approve the recurring payments for 2020/21.

h) Subscription renewals

Dr Vickers declared a personal interest as a volunteer for Tyne Valley Community Rail Partnership (TVCRP). It was AGREED to renew subscriptions as follows: Northumberland Association of Local Councils - £596.29; Clerks and Councils Direct - £12; TVCRP- £10.


20/6/56 Covid-19 and other emergencies

a) Financial Regulations

The Chair referred to a previously circulated report that considered the importance of maintaining the functions of the Council in the event of the Council being unable to meet through emergencies of any description. After discussion it was AGREED to delegate authority to the Clerk in the circumstances outlined with suitable safeguards, to insert three new paragraphs 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9 in Financial Regulations and to renumber the existing paragraphs accordingly.                                                                          Action: Clerk

b) Future meetings of the Council

The Chair reminded members that, unlike previous years, a schedule of Council meetings had not been approved at the annual meeting of the Council. It is difficult to predict the necessity for Council meetings and, after discussion, it was AGREED to delegate the scheduling of Council meetings for the time being to the Clerk in consultation with the Chair.

c) Community Support

Members discussed the current Covid-19 epidemic and welcomed the response of local volunteers who have provided assistance where necessary. After discussion it was AGREED to promote the availability of grant funding to local organisations and to encourage individuals within the community to contact the Council to discuss funding opportunities where necessary.                                                                                           Action: Clerk

d) Existing work of the Council

Members noted the update provided by the Clerk.

20/6/57 Parish Council Representatives

There were no representative meetings.


20/6/58 Advisory Groups

a) General Governance Advisory Group (GGAG)

i) Notes of the GGAG meeting

Members noted the notes of the meeting held on 16/03/20.

ii) East Tynedale Town and Parish Councils’ Forum (ETTPCF)

It was AGREED to pay £80 to ETTPCF as a contribution to its costs.

Action: Clerk DISCHARGED

iii) Research and survey on dementia

It was AGREED that the Chair and Clerk would prepare a draft response for sight of members prior to submission.                                                                    Action: Chair and Clerk

iv) Local Electricity Bill

Members discussed the Local Electricity Bill which, if successful, would make the provision of locally generated green electricity easier and cheaper. After discussion it was AGREED to support the Bill by writing to Mr Guy Opperman MP asking for him to support the Bill and to the organisers of the campaign for the Bill (Power to People) expressing the Council’s support.

Action: Clerk DISCHARGED

v) New litter bin at A695/Hall Farm Close

Members discussed a request from a resident and AGREED to purchase and install a suitable litter bin near the above location, the precise site to be agreed with NCC by the Clerk

                                                                                                Action: Clerk DISCHARGED

b) Planning Advisory Group (PAG)

Members noted the planning report and the delegated authority used as set out below.



Ayton Close

TPO application to prune/crown four trees and remove one self-sown sycamore (Application by NCC)

No comment

Note use of delegated powers


249 New Ridley Rd

Variation of condition 2 relating to 11/00642/FUL – windows and doors changed and building constructed slightly larger

No comment

Note use of delegated powers


139 New Ridley Road

Single storey extension creating new kitchen and dining area

No comment

Note use of delegated powers


42 Cade Hill Road

Demolition of existing bay window to rear of property and replacement doors. New covered outside seating area with decking.

No comment

Note use of delegated powers


10 Alexandra Terr

Erect a single storey extension to rear and material change as consequence to works

No comment

Note use of delegated powers


Apperley Farm West Cottage

Resubmission: single storey rear extension

No comment

Note use of delegated powers

20/01082/FUL and 20/01083/LBC

Stocksfield Hall

Listed building consent for erection of 12 street lamps

No comment

Note use of delegated powers

20/01085/LBC and 20/01084/ADE

Stocksfield Hall

Retrospective listed building consent for 6 wall mounted and 4 freestanding signs and advertising consent for the same

No comment

Note use of delegated powers


The Rowans 21 Painshawfield Road

Re-siting existing entrance

No comment

Note use of delegated powers


Apperley Rigg

New Ridley

Double storey side extension and single storey rear extension

No comment

Note use of delegated powers



5 Crabtree Road

Proposal to create new and additional single gravel driveway – drive in reverse out

No comment

Note use of delegated powers



26 Cade Hill Road

Proposed single storey rear kitchen extension with flat roof and new

patio extended from extension.

No comment

Note use of delegated powers

c) Rights of Way and Environment Advisory Group (RoWE)

Members noted the notes of the RoWE meeting held on 3 March 2020 and the Group’s comments about the temporary diversion of footpath No 12. In respect of the ‘no litter’ signs referred to at any other business, the Chair reminded members that the signs had been procured using delegated authority which was reported to the Council in February 2019. Since the signs were first used, anecdotal evidence suggests the quantity of litter thrown from cars has reduced. Although the signs had been out of use during the first part of the Covid-19 restrictions, it was AGREED that they will continue to be used and that RoWE members should be informed accordingly.                                                      Action: Clerk

20/6/59 Hindley St Margaret’s Burial Board

The Chair referred to a previously circulated report which outlined the financial position of the Burial Board and its significant reduction in income due to the Covid-19 restrictions. After discussion it was AGREED to make a donation of £1,700 to the Board, to encourage the Board to explore other Covid-19 related funding opportunities and to review the matter later in the financial year.                                                                                Action: Clerk


20/6/60 Any other urgent business

The Chair referred to a previously circulated draft letter from Northumberland Association of Local Councils which sought the assistance of councils to lobby for clarity about additional funding from the Government for local councils. It was AGREED to write to Mr Guy Opperman MP to seek his assistance in the matter.                               Action: Clerk

The Chair thanked those who had joined the meeting remotely and closed the meeting at 8.56pm.